After cleansing, warm a drop in your palm and gently massage it in a circular motion to face and neck, or apply it on top of your regular moisturizer. Add 2-4 drops to your favorite toner or face mask, or rub 1-2 drops on dry, chapped lips to keep them soft and smooth. For those with acne, gently massage a drop or two to damaged areas to soothe and heal troubled skin.

To alleviate stretch marks, warm 2-3 drops of oil in your hands and gently massage your stomach, hips and thighs. Add a few drops to your daily bath, rub them on your feet, or apply them directly to your body as a nutrient-rich full-body lotion. Warm 1-2 drops of oil in your palms and apply it directly to areas affected by razor burns or razor bumps.
For lustrous, shiny hair, apply 1-3 drops to damp hair as a regular hair oil or leave-in conditioner, keep it on for 30 minutes as a penetrating hair mask, or apply more oil (and wrap hair with a towel) for an even deeper overnight conditioning. For strong, healthy nails, dot a bit of oil on each nail and gently massage it into the nail bed and cuticle for optimal hydration.

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Argania Spinosa.